Thursday, September 30, 2010

J.A.'s Words

I choose to do spoils system, Trail of Tears, and Specie Circular.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

M.B.s words :)

i pick to do Panic of 1837, Annexation, and Nullification


M.S. you might want to do Tariff of 1832 and Tariff of 1833. They are in tonight's reading, and you still need one more word to do.



There are 31 words. I fail at assigning people words because whenever someone wants words at the beginning of the reading because they are in sports, I always accidentally give them words at the end even if I Use the index.
So basically you will pick the words you want. EVERyone pick THREE words EXCEPT S.D. , J.C. , E.C., and A.S. we have FOUR WORDs.THAN POST YOUR CHOICE OF WORDS SO WE DONT ALL DO THE SAME ONES.
Once you decide which word you want please post otherwise I will choose for you and you dont want that :)
Good luck!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hartford Convention

+December 15, 1814–January 4, 1815 during war 1812
+was held to consider conflicts of the war of 1812
+held at Hartford, Conn.
+Secret meeting of Federalist Party delegates from New England states who opposed the War of 1812

McColloch vs Maryland (1819)

attempt by Maryland to destroy a branch of the bank of the US by imposing a tax on its notes.
-John Marshall, speaking for the court, declared the bank constitutional by invoking the Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers/
- Marshall denied the right of Maryland to tax the bank

sorry A.S. for not posting sooner

Tallamadge Amendment

+submitted by James Tallamadge Jr.(from NY) in house of reps on Feb. 13, 1819
+supported balance of slave and free states
+ proposed to amend Missouri enabling legislation by forbidding the further introduction of slavery into Missouri and declaring that all children born of slave parents after the admission of the state should be free upon reaching the age of twenty-five.
+provoked congress
+house adopted the amendment but senate rejected it
+resolution to this was the missouri compromise

Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay introduced the compromise that decided whether or not Missouri would be admitted as a slave state. Congress decided to admit Missouri as a slave state in 1820.  But, Maine, which was apart of Massachusetts, was to be admitted as a separate, free state.  Therefore, there were 12 slave states and 12 free states.The Missouri Compromise by Congress forbade slavery in the remaining territories in the Louisiana Purchase/territory north of the line of 36° 30', except for Missouri.

Daniel Webster

A war hawk in Congress in 1816 and was a strong spokesman for New England. He opposed the Tariff of 1816, because it was not in the interest of the shippers that were the majority and that he represented, but was in the interest of manufacturers.

Tariff of 1816

the nationalist congress' response to British trying to crush Yankee factories in marketing. the Tariff of 1816 was the first tariff in American history used primarily for protection and not revenue. created taxes on imports to protect the nation, which involved the protected to want more protection of their goods.


The Monroe Doctrine in 1823 was largely an expression of the post-1812 nationalism energizing the United States. Although directed at a specific menace in 1823, and hence a kind of period piece, the doctrine proved to be the most famous of all of the long-lived offspring of that nationalism. While giving voice to a spirit of patriotism , it simultaneously deepened the illusion of isolationism. Isolationism is the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter alliances , foreign economic commitments, and international agreements. Isolationism is also seeking to devote the effort on one's country for advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities. But the Monroe Doctrine simply warned the old world powers to stay away.

Treaty of Ghent

Proposed by Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who was concerned with Napoleon's army and did not want the British to use all of its strength in America.  Five American peacemakers sent to Ghent, Belgium in 1814.  They were lead by John Q. Adams and Henry Clay.  At first, the British made large demands, which the Americans rejected, but war-weariness & British defeats lead to a willingness to compromise.  Signed December 24, 1814.  Essentially an armistice.  Both sides agreed to stop fighting and restore conquered territory.  War ended as a draw b/c neither were able to gain power over the other.

Cohens vs. Virginia

 In 1821 , John Marshall in the case of Cohens vs. Virginia gave Marshall one of his greatest opportunities to defend the federal power. The Cohens, found guilty by the Virginia courts of illegaly selling lottery tickets , appealed to the highest tribunal. Virginia " won ", in the sense that the conviction of the Cohens was upheld. But in fact Virginia and all the individual states lost, because Marshall asserted the right of the supreme court to review all decisions of the state supreme courts in all question involving powers of the federal government. The states' rights proponents were struck with shock.


I posted M.S.' words
I started on A.B. but i could not find Tallmadge Amendment on the wesite  So we are MISSING TALLMADGE AMENDMENT
M.B. is gonna post later, hopefully by eight, otherwise i am just gonna put up his words.
If you guys get to the website and i already posted, still post your Deffinition.

Hartford Convention
In 1814 a regional secret convention was held in Hartford, Connecticut due to the Federalist discontent because of the lessened voting weight of New England in Congress and Electoral College due to adding states to the Union and also they were not happy with the War of 1812. They were meeting to discuss their minority status in the Union and some Federalist even suggested secession. These Federalists were seen as traitors by the public. Led to the downfall of their party. they met to secure assistance from Washington, due to the blockading British squadrons on the shores of New England.

John Marshall
Chief Justice(1801-1835); represented the Federalist belief for a strong central government; turned the Judicial branch from weak to strong while popularizing Judicial Review; set the standard for future Chief Justices.

McCulloch v.Maryland
Trial during chief Justice John Marshalls reign; involving the state of Maryland& their right to tax the federal bank--sets precedent for the "loose clause"--increased power of Fed, government.


A sense of national pride, patriotism.  An effect of the War of 1812 was a heightened sense of nationalism. This led to American literature and paintings, a stronger army and navy, and a better national capitol.  A second Bank of the United States was created.  America became more independent, passed the Tariff of 1816 to protect America's industries.  Helped create the Era of Good Feelings.  Kept the United States united during the trying times of sectionalism, and the panic of 1819.  Because of nationalism, they wanted to protect Republicanism, and issued the Monroe Doctrine.  Started internal improvements.

James Monroe

Was first elected president in 1816 & because of his popularity was re-elected in 1820, despite the controversy of the Missouri Compromise and the panic of 1819.  Was president in what came to be known as the Era of Good Feelings, despite the many troubling issues within it.  While he president, there was a renewed sense of nationalism.  His most important act as president was the Monroe Doctrine, which he declared after he was persuaded by John Q. Adams not to side with Britain.  This doctrine promoted isolationism.
*Just remember that he was president when many of the things in the chapter occured (ie. panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise)
Can be related to John Q. Adams, Era of Good Feelings, Missouri Compromise, Tariff of 1816, nationalism, Monroe Doctrine, panic of 1819


Alot of people have not posted i will wait until eight, and then post their definitions.

We are missing 12 vocab words. Is any of those people yet to post here?
Also I blocked my text messages so if you need to tell me something than call me.

American System

It was a system proposed by Henry Clay of Kentucky for advancing the nation's eonomic growth. It had 3 main parts. The first was a strong banking system, which would provide easy and abundant credit. He also advocated a protective tariff, in which estern manufacturing would flourish, and the third part was the revenues from the tariff, which would provide funds for a network of roads and canals, especially in Ohio Valley. Also, this system was opposed by the Democratic-Republicans because they thought it was unconstitutional.

Second Bank of the United States

-voted by Congress in 1816 and with it a more handsome national capital began to rise. However, 1819 it led to the Panic of 1819. The bank had tightened credit in a belated effort to control inflation and a malor financial panic arose. Because of the Panic of 1819, money became deflated, there was unemployment, bankruptcies, depression, and imprisonment for debt. The Bank of the United States also foreclosed on large amounts of western farmland and it led Westerners to begin calling for land reform and to express strong opposition to the national bank and debtor's prisons. The overspeculation of frontier lands by the bank also helped cause the Panic of 1819.

Wahington Irving

Washington is an inspiring man that attained international recognition in the 1820's  for being one of the first writer's of omportance to use American Scenes or themes. His writing also inspired nationalist sentiment by inspiring Americans to write text books for Americans and not have them imported from Great Britain.

John Q. Adams

He was the son of John Adams, who headed the group of peacemakers that traveled to the Belgian city of Ghent in 1814 to discuss terms of peace with British diplomats in an effort to end the war. When they met on Christmas Eve 1814, an agreement was reached and its terms were: a halt to the fighting, the return of all conquered territory to the prewar diplomat, and recognition of the prewar boundary between Canada and the U.S. This was known as the Treaty of Ghent, later ratified by the Senate in 1815.


Sectionalism is similar to nationalism but they differ in the fact that Nationalism is the pride in one's country while sectionalism is the pride of one's region, state, or section. For example, Americans took pride in being a "New Englander" a "southerner" a "Virginian" etc. Sectionalism can be described as the action that happens when an American identifies himself more with a region or section, than more than the whole nation.

In the early times, Sectionalism was big but after wars and battles won, Americans directed their pride to the nation. After that, Sectionalism occurred and people started to have more love for their own regions rather than a whole country.

Era of Good Feeling

Era of Good Feeling was a phrase used to describe the administration of President Monroe. This phrase was misleading because although there was considerable tranquility and prosperity (Jeffersonians ruled, no real competition; politically speaking), the time was troubled and worry some. Issues that were occurring during the "Era of Good Feeling" were that: 1.) Sectionalism was crystallizing (growing). 2.) Disputes over the owning of slaves  3.) Issues with tariffs  4.) issues with the banks [Bank of the United Stated and (wild cat banks?) (western banks)]  5.)Internal improvement debates  6.) Disputes over sale of land.

All these issues caused the Panic of 1819 which can be used to oddly describe the "Era of Good Feeling", ran by President Monroe.

-E.C.  :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson fresh from crushing the southwest Indians at the Battle of Horshoe Bend, was placed in command to crush the British efforts to control the Mississippi river. Jackson scored a victory at New Orleans when the overconfident British launched a frontal assault on the entrenched American riflemen and cannoneers. The British suffered a devastating defeat with over two thousand killed and wounded. Jackson's victory, however was quiet meaningless since a treaty two weeks prior had been signed ending the war ( Treaty of Ghent ). Although the Battle was meaningless it unleashed a wave of nationalism and self-confidence.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

John C. Calhoun

Not in the reading, def from little history book :)

John C. Calhoun of South Carolina another Republican leader who reversed his position. An outspoken war hawk and nationalist in 1812, leading champion of states rights after 1828. peggy eaton affair led to resignation of Jackson' s vice president Calhoun. 
In 1832 Calhoun's South Carolina help special convention to nullify tariff of 1828, and 1832.
Gave good speeches.

Gibbons v. Ogden

steamboat case of 1824. Started because New York wanted to grant to a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce between New York and New Jersey.  Marshall (vocab word) said that the constitution conferred on Congress alone the control of interstate commerce. Marshall again attacked the states' rights, while upholding the soveriegn powers of the federal government.  Interstate streams were cleared of this judicial snag.

internal improvements

congress voted in 1817 to distribute $1.5 million to the states for internal improvements(roads and canals) especially for road-poor west. Madison claimed it was unconstitutional. Jeffersonian republicans disapproved on the idea of direct federal support of intrastate  internal improvements. New England especially opposed federally constructed roads and canals because such outlets would further drain away population and create competing states beyond the mountains.
-recent attempts to invade Canada  had all failed partly because of badly constructed roads or non at all

Panic of 1819

In 1819 economic panic descended. Brought deflation, depression, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployement , soup kitchens, overcrowded pest houses known as debtors prison.
First financial panic since George Washington took office. Biggest factor contributing to the catastrophe is overspeculation of frontier lands.  Bank of U.S. involved in outdoor gambling. .
Financial paralysis from the Panic lasted for several years , set back NATIONALISM (vocab word)
Panic hit the west hard, Bank of US forced western banks to the wall and foreclosed mortgages on countless farms.
Thus, National Bank of US viewed as Financial Devil.
Also created backwashes in political and social world.  Hit the Poorer classes hard, and sowed the seeds of Jacksonian Democracy. ( ANDREW JACKSON= VOcab word)
Mothers torn from infants for owing a few dollars.

Friday, September 24, 2010

James Fenimore Cooper

one of the nation's first writers of importance; attained recognition in the 1820's; changed the mood of national literature, started textbooks in America being written by Americans, two pieces of his literature include THE SPY and THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS, American themes-example of the nationalism after the Revolution and War of 1812.

Protective Tariff

It was a tariff imposed on dutiable imports. It was passed by the first Congress. Revenue was the main goal. It was also designed to protect small industries just getting started. Hamilton wanted more protection for the well-to-do manufacturing groups. Congress still had agriculture and commercial interest dominating. This was part of Hamilton's economic plan to support the industrialists.

Monroe Doctrine

What: an expression of the post-1812 nationalism energizing the U.S. Proved to be the most famous of the long-lived offspring of that nationalism. Might have been called the Self-Defense Doctrine. Where & When: Incorporated into President Monroe's annual message to Congress in 1823. Its two basic features were:(1) Non-Colonization (2) Non-Intervention. Colonization's era had ended and England and other foreign powers needed to keep their monarchial systems out of the U.S. Old World powers could not gain anymore settlements. The U.S.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I know all you sports people wanted words at the beginning of the chapter, but words like that do not exactly exist. They are all later in the reading, or they show up at the beginning and at the end. So I tried my best. So like i said the DEADLINE TO POST IS MONDAY 7:00 P.M. It is a weekend and promptness is expected. The next day is our unit test so as soon as you find your word, please post.
I also made sure that everyone has one person to do, because they are hard to find.So I tried to divide up the rigor of the words.
On another note, our plan is working well and I am happy with the dedication and cooperation of our members. Below are your words by initials. This time there are alot of words so best of luck :) A.S.

M.S. you have internal improvements, John Marshall, and McCulloch v. Maryland
M.B. POST BY MONDAY 7:00 P.M. you have Daniel Webster, Tariff of 1816, Missouri Compromise
A.B. Please Post you have Tallmadge Amendment, Hartford Convention
J.C. you have Andrew Jackson, isolationism, Cohens v. Virginia
J.A. you have John Q. Adams, American system, second Bank of the US
E.C. you have Era of Good Feelings, Washington Irvine, Sectionalism
S.D. you have James Monroe, Nationalism, Treaty of Ghent
D.B. you have James Fennimore Cooper, protective tariff, Monroe Doctrine
A.S. you have John C. Calhoun, Gibbons v. Ogden, panic of 1819

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

non-intercourse act

after the repeal of the embargo act this act formally reopened trade with all the nations of the world except Britain and France

embargo act of 1807

forbade the export of all goods from the U.S, whether in American of foreign ships. If it worked the embargo would vindicate the rights of neutral nations and point to a new way of conducting foreign affairs. However, it backfired leaving the U.S. economy poor. The movement was so bad for New England that a movement was called to secede from the union. Jefferson called for a repeal of the embargo act in 1809 but it was still illegal for ships to trade with Britain and France


We still Need Macon's Bill No.2 it is not on website, and i am unclear about it. Can any one look it up?

Is anyone gonna do this word?? so we donot all do it?


I cannot wait for people so I got the words off of a website that corresponds to our book

Embargo Act

The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by Congress forbidding all exportation of goods from the United States. Britain and France had been continuously harassing the U.S. and seizing U.S. ship's and men. The U.S. was not prepared to fight in a war, so Pres. Jefferson hoped to weaken Britain and France by stopping trade. The Embargo Act ended up hurting our economy more than theirs. It was repealed in 1809. The Embargo Act helped to revive the Federalists. It caused New England's industry to grow. It eventually led to the War of 1812.

Non-Intercoarse Act

Formally reopened trade with all nations except England and France on March 1, 1809. A replacement of the Embargo Act. Made by the Republican Congress in an attempt to make England and France stop harassing the American ships and recognize the neutrality of America.

The Chesapeake Incident

An incident that happened on June 22, 1807. The Chesapeake, a US frigate, was boarded by a British ship, the Leopard. The Chesapeake was not fully armed. The British seized four alleged deserters (the commander of the Chesapeake was later court marshaled for not taking any action). This is the most famous example of impressment, in which the British seized American sailors and forced them to serve on British ships. Impressment was one of the major factors leading to the War of 1812.

Judicial Review

Until 1803, the case of Marbury vs. Madison took place this year, there was controversy over who had the final say in determining the meaning of the Constitution, whether loose or strict interpretation should be used and who would decide. Jefferson tried to give the rights to the states in the Kentucky resolutions, but his cousin, John Marshall of the Supreme Court, proposed "judicial review," which gave the Supreme Court the power to decide if a law is or is not constitutional. "Judicial review" was accepted as a result of the famous case of Marbury vs.

James Monroe

James Monroe was sent to Paris in 1803 to buy New Orleans and as much land as possible to the east for a maximum of ten million dollars. Monroe and Robert Livingston arranged the of all of Louisiana for fifteen million dollars. Monroe later became James Madison's Secretary of State.


If the last three do not post by eight, I will start looking up their definitions. Good Job you guys. I really like our system and now we know who the reliable people are. Dont get me wrong A.B. is at a game, so it is understandable

Marbury v. Madison

     This case was the first to be decided by Marshall, the new chief justice. After Madison was ordered by Adams to not deliver Marbury's commissions, Marbury sued because he wanted the right to his commission. Marshall had ruled that Marbury had this right because it was part of the Judiciary Act of 1789; however Marshall said that the Act itself was unconstitutional and Marbury could not be given his commission.
     This later led Marshall to establish the doctrine of judicial review, which stated that the Supreme Court had the last word on the question of unconstitutionality.

Henry Clay

Henry Clay of Kentucky , a leader in the house of Representitives , proposed a comprehensive method for advancing the nation's economic growth. His plan , which he called the American System consisted of three parts : 1) protective tariffs, 2) a national bank and, 3) internal improvements . Clay argued that protective tariffs would promote American manufacturing and also raise revenue with which to build a national transportation system of federally constucted roads and canals. A national bank would keep the system  running smoothly by providing a national currency. The internal improvements were to be made by the states themselves.


Tecumseh was a Shawnee indian that was a gifted organizer and leader. He created a confederacy of all the tribes east of the mississippi. With this he inspired Indian unity and cultural renewal. He opposed the practice of permitting any one tribe to sell land that belongs to all indians. With the Americans moving into their land, the confederacy was forced to move westward. At the battle of Tippecanoe the few indians were killed and the settlement was burned. All this drove Tecumseh to create an alliance with the British which also abhored the Americans. Tecumseh fought for the redcoats until he died and with his death died the dream of an Indian Confederacy

-E.C. need if you need help, ask me tomorrow or txt me or call me :)

John Marshall

He was the chief justice appointed by Adams to the Supreme Court. He was a Federalist and helped to ensure the political and economic systems that were based on a strong central government. Marshall also promoted the contrary principle of judicial review (the idea that the Supreme Court word on the question of constitutionality) after the case of Marbury v. Madison in which Madison had dismissed Marshall’s suit to avoid a political showdown.

Aaron Burr

In 1804, a Republican closed meeting decided not to nominate Aaron Burr as vice president for a second term. That then set Burr off he embarked on a series of ventures, one which threatened to break up the Union and another which resulted in the death of Alexander Hamilton. Burr secretly planned a federalist conspiracy to win the govenorship of New York in 1804. Burr then challenged the Federalist leader (Alexander Hamilton) and fatally shot him. Hamilton's death in 1804. By 1806, Jefferson learned of the conspiracy Burr had with the take of Mexico from Spain and unite it with Louisianna, and ordered Burr's arrest and trial for treason. The jury acquitted Burr, basing it's decision on the lack of knowledge they had on Treason by definition determined by Marshall.


One incident at sea especially aroused American anger and almost led to war . In 1807, only a few miles off the coast of Virginia, the British warship Leopard fired on the U.S. warship Chesapeake . Three Americans were killed and four others were taken captive and impressed into the British navy. Impressment was the forcible enlistment of sailors which was a crude form of drafting that the British had employed for over four centuries. Anti-British feeling ran high, and many Americans demanded war. Jefferson , however, resorted to diplomacy and economic pressure as his response to the crisis.


Patronage is simply a spot in office. "Patronage-hungry Jeffersonians" refers to Jeffersonians wanting/expecting a spot in office due to the change of political paties. (From Federalist to Republican) The significance is that Jefferson did not fire all the Federalists from their position to give the spot to Jeffersonians like expected. The people expected a drastic political change but instead, Jefferson made a subtle transition of power.

*(Smith said that the definition is short but that patronage is important because of the way it ties into Jefferson's subtle transition of power)*

Ask me tomorrow if you need further explanation -E.C.


E.C., J.C. , and J.A. are currently working on their words and it will be up momentarily
A.B. is going to be late but she will do it she said at 8.
M.B and M.S. I am not sure about I just hope they remember.

Lewis and Clark

Before the Louisiana Purchase Jefferson persuaded the congress to fund and expedition by both Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenent Clark. Lewis and Clark set out from St.Louis in 1804, and turned back and completed there journey in 1806. It was a two-in-a-half year expedition. Many benefits came out of this expedition such as it increased geographic and scientific knowledge of perviously unexplored country, strengthened the U.S. claims to the Orgeon Territory, improved relations with Native American tribes, and developed maps and land routes for fur trappers and future settlers. Lewis was Jefferson's personal secretary and Clark was a young army officer. They statrted in St.Louis continued through the Rockies, and descended the Columbia River to the Pacific Coast.

Thomas Jefferson

3rd president of the United States; first time opposing party wins the elections; Revolution of 1800 – peaceful transfer of powers; removes excise tax, keeps other Federalist programs; Naturalization Law of 1802 – changes from 14 to 5 years to become a citizen; tries to impeach Samuel Chase; reduced army and navy; sees Louisiana purchase as unconstitutional, but agrees to it anyway; tries to keep neutrality with Britain & France using the embargo

Zebulon Pike

After Louisiana purchase explorers pushed into the west; he traveled to Mississippi river in 1805-1806; next year went to southern part of Louisiana territory; mountain in Colorado now named after him

James Madison

Fourth president; Faced with divisions in his party & cabinet, could not dominate congress; gambled that the threat of U.S. trading exclusively with France would lead British to repeal their trading restrictions and vice versa; his gamble failed, forced to reestablish embargo against Britain; asks Congress to declare war and they agree

War Hawks

War Hawks. 229, 230, 231
The twelfth congress filled with young hot heads many from the South and West were named "WAR HAWKS" by their federalists opponents.
Detested manhandeling of American sailors and the British Orders in Council that dammed the flow of American trade, especially western farm products headed for europe.
Western war hawks wanted to wipe out renewed Indian threat to pioneer settlers who were streaming into the trans- Allegheny wilderness.
War hawk spokesmen in Congress became convinced that British "scalp buyers" in Canada nourished Indians growing Strength. 
One way to remove Indians, "on to Canada" is war Hawks chant.
* A good vocab word to relate this to is Tecumseh

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lousiana Purchase Treaty

Ok this word is not in the index, but on the top of page 222 it mentions the word treaty in reference to the lousiana purchase so please correct me if I am wrong.

Lousiana Purchase Treaty: 221, 222
The American Minister, Robert Livingston, pending Monroe's arrival, was negotiating in paris for a window on the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans. Then French Foreign Minister asked how much he would pay for all of Louisiana ( If I were you I would Include the two reasons why Naploeon wanted to get ride of Lousiana).
The two parties negotiated. On April 30, 1803 Lousiana was given to the U.S. for about 15 million dollares.
Jefferson only offered 10 million dollares for negotiation and insted he was given THREE TREATIES that pleadged 15 mill for New Orleans ( which is in Lousiana) plus alot of area to its west .
This doubled size of U.S.
Jefferson was afraid Napolean would withdraw offer so submitted treaties to the senate, although he viewed them to be unconstitutional. 

Judiciary Act of 1801

Judiciary Act of 1801: Page 218
last important law passed by Federalist Congress. created 16 new federal judgeships and other judicial offices. "packing" these lifetime posts (because a judges term is until death) with anti- jeffersonian partisians was in republican eyes an attempt by the anti-jeffersonians to entrench themselves in 1 of the 3 branches. Jeffersonians condemned the federalist appointees. Including Chief Justice John Marshall.
The Republican Congress wanted to repeal the Judiciary Act of 1801 one year after its passage.

For Vocab quiz another good vocab word to relate Judiciary act of 1801 to is John Marshall.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter 11 Vocab

Please ask me A.S. for which vocab words you have so we do not all do the same ones.

Below are your initials and which vocab word you have. DO a GOOD JOB.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok as soon as you find your word, post the definition here. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Unless your word is in the last day's reading you need to post your definition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S.D. you have Thomas Jefferson, Zebulon Pike, James Madison
A.S. you have Lousiana Purchase Treaty, Judiciary Act of 1801, War Hawks
M.B. you have Judicial Review, James Monroe
J.A. you have John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison
J.C. you have Henry claw, impressment
M.S. you have Non- Intercourse Act, Embargo Act
D.B. you have Lewis and Clark, Aaron Burr
E.C. you have Tecumesh, patronage
A.B. you have Macon's Bill No. 2, Chesapeake incident

Sunday, September 19, 2010

this is for Mr Smiths AP class

we'll be posting up vocabulary and help each other out. because i do not have the best grade i will try my best to assist but with an A student i can do it:) so everyone who participates in this must help and give 100% illl also post what homework was when tests or quizes or vocab quizes are 9/20--> 203-208 ch.10 VQ